Entries by jane3333

August 12th – Camille Paglia says it best

Well written piece about the “administration’s grotesque mishandling of healthcare reform”, while remaining loyal to Obama’s competencies.  An added plus: observations that in the Gates/Crowley episode, it was not a problem of race, but a problem of class. http://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2009/08/12/town_halls/index.html

August 10th: Catching Up With Myself

Need to do these blogs more regularly so they aren’t so long…apologize in advance for the length of this one. Obama says he can’t figure out where all this “misinformation” is coming from.  Hmmmm…. maybe if he actually read the Healthcare reform bill, he’d understand the confusion and concern.  Instead, he attempts to malign those […]

July 27th, 2009 – A Mixed Bag

After a relatively quiet weekend, the papers are bursting with opinions, much like Mother Nature does in spring, when it sends daffodils and other delights bursting through the earth.  Of course, our material is still mired in the mud…We hear headlines about how Obama has invited the “guys” (Sgt. Crowley and Prof Gates ) over for […]

Rantchet – A misuse of language, Chinese Think-Tanks

I watched the live coverage today as the President attempted to clarify that when he said the Cambridge Police acted stupidily, he did not intend to malign them (worsening an already sensitive issue.  He needs to understand it is not about a “racial” issue, it is about the President usurping Law Enforcement’s authority) Then he went […]

The Arrest of a Black Scholar – Professor Gates

This case reminds me of the true story I am reading: “Why Just Her – Jeane Palfrey” (http://www.whyjusther.com/).  It documents a gross miscarriage of justice, much much worse than what Professor Gates experienced.  Unfortunately, unlike Prof Gate’s experience, no one hollered too much as Washington DC circled their wagons. Now, with the uproar over Professor Gates’ […]


From Reader’s Digest: A scientific study, published in the Journal “Neuron“, has found that  multi-tasking does not make you more efficient. Subjects were instructed to identify different-colored images while also identifying a variety of sounds.  Researchers then monitored brain activity with an MIRI.  When both color and sound were introduced at the same time or […]

Government Foolishness (BoA)

Morgan Hosel yesterday brought to our attention the BoA vs taxpayer fiasco (see below).  I understand Bank of America benefited from implied government insurance, but never signed the paperwork.   And I understand the government (or customer) should benefit from taking the risk. However, if BoA didn’t sign the paperwork, that is the foolishness of the […]


To quote another wonderful woman: “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people, then you aren’t.” Margaret Thatcher. She also said: “We want a society where people are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. This is what we mean by a moral society; not […]

Defining Success

Margaret Mead,  by Wikipedia’s description, was a popularizer of the insights of anthropology into modern American and Western culture.  The other day, she was quoted as having said: ” I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings.” I really wonder, in the […]