Entries by jane3333

Global Warming BS

NASA-GATE What’s become known as “Climategate” may be about to explode on this side of the pond as well.  Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has threatened a lawsuit against NASA if by year-end the agency doesn’t honor his Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for information on how and why its […]

Holidays Are Coming

With never enough time in a day for exercise and work related happenings, I look forward to  Fall and Winter, and the holidays that come with that timing.  The kids will be home for Thanksgiving, and even though it is a brief visit, spanning just two days, it will feel great to hear their voices […]

Current Events & Life Changes

Life Recently, we celebrated my dad’s 88th birthday.  fortunately, he is in good health.  Unfortunately, he had to make an emergency visit to the dentist on his birthday, but that worked out, and the subsequent party was even better, because his oldest friend, Ned, was back from Alaska, and could join us. I often reflect how […]

Time Out For Soul Refreshing

I relaxed a bit this week, with full intention of catching up on the weekend.  But with a massage Thursday evening, a friend visiting for the weekend, an EMPA09 Potuck, by Sunday night I had to toss out last week’s papers and “let go” all my issues with the media/administration.  No blog on Sunday reviewing […]

What Keeps Me Up At Night

I am getting lazy in my blogs, replacing them with quick tweets, but the blog is a better historical for me, so will keep at it.  It drives me crazy when I read good material, then click my way through several more, only to find I’ve “lost” my original starting point.  Backtracking, especially days later, […]

Life Keeps Going By

I am so busy with work, and just enjoying the heck out of it. I feel sorry for people who don’t have a passion for what they do, OR, their passion is mis-guided (like several politicians who hold tele-townhalls to meet with their constituents – I think these are the ones in it for the […]

US Chamber of Commerce Site

http://www.voteforbusiness.com A project by the US Chamber of Commerce, and at a glance looks to be a good site.  Although I am not particularly happy with the US CoC’s project of taking their message on the road and dumbing it down a bit because people have negative reactions to words such as “capitalism”.  Hopefully, the […]

Accountability Site for Rhetoric

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/ There appears to be extensive research back each rating.  Click on the links. 51 pages, maybe 20 entries per page, of quotes from various politicians, media, and entertainment industry, and rates the accuracy, with links to back up the rating.  Nicely done, and fairly good reference tool.