Entries by Jane Terry

A word to the wise

Once again, I post other people’s words.  They are far better at putting pen to paper than I am, yet they resonate so strongly within me I am compelled to share them with my tiny circle of friends.  Be inspired, be motivated, be loved. Here is the first, from 2005, 11 years ago. And here is […]


Nature can do a lot to soothe a brain burp. Here, in Oregon, amid trees, waterfalls, and wildlife, I take refuge from the world. Here, things seem calmer, quieter, and more acceptable. Here, I can hear myself think, I can feel my heart swell with love, and I can see wonders I usually overlook. Here, […]

There is no explanation

Ever wonder why we even exist?  I do.  But there are no answers.  No explanation. Nothing. So then I wonder “where we are going?” on this journey through life.  And I marvel at how man has developed life, with its many inconvient complications and unintended consequences. Despite whether one agrees or disagrees with our evolvement, […]

CSPAN – not your usual soundbite

I love CSPAN. Can’t get enough of it. When my husband is traveling, I have it on all the time. When he is home, I watch it in snippets.  At the gym, I always get one of the channels tuned to CSPAN 1 2 or 3.  But come the weekend, I watch it in batches. […]

Meteoric Demise

They came in, heralding their expertise. Halfway through it, I knew one was a self-indulgent con, the others just plain conceited and ignorant, a deadly combination. Yet “meteoric rise” was a phrase the con liked to use, but truth was, he’d executed a “meteoric demise”. Sadly, others believed in them, despite the warning signs. Some […]

Where does the time go?

We are struggling to keep up with ourselves. It seems we just got up, and we turn around, and it’s time for bed! Yes, we are early risers. And these days, we are spending about 3 hours hiking the hills. By the time you get up and piddle around the house, do chores on the […]

And here we go

Enjoying a Saturday morning, after a 3 mile run. Best morning, with coffee and IBD (except the hot water heater stopped working, but that is another story). Sequestration has begun. The President got his tax hikes a while ago, and couldn’t find his way to negotiate away from his own “bad idea” sequestration policy. He […]

Catching Pigs….

Forwarded to me in an email. You decide…is this what is happening? Are we the frogs in the pot of water? CATCHING PIGS…. There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, […]

US Coporate Taxes

This blog is taken, in part, from WSJ letters to the Editor, specifically from a Frederick C. Van Bennekom and Colin S. Jackson. At issue in recent Presidential debate is the discussion of taxes, and more specifically, taxes incentivized companies to move off-shore. This was President Obama’s statement, to which Mitt Romney replied, “Mr. President, […]