Entries by jane3333

Let The Markets Decide

I listened this morning  to GM’s CEO “customers, cars, & culture” priority… Did anyone read Anna Schwawrtz’s brief interview in Time? http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1909115,00.html She lived through crash of 1929,and is considered a financial matriarch. She co-authored with Nobel laureate Milton Friedman the highly acclaimed financial bible A Monetary History of the United States (Princeton University Press, 1963), and she’s worked […]

Global Warming

Are we all on the same page?  Does everyone know that Al Gore stands to benefit from the cap-and-trade regulations?  He is a partner in a capital firm called Kleiner Perkins, which has invested about $1 B in 40 companies that stand to gain from the cap-and-trade regs. (IBD, 6/18/09) Remember this the next time […]


In the June 16th publication of Investor’s Business Daily, they talk about Biden’s then recent stint on NBC’s Meet the Press, where Biden said “Everyone guessed wrong.” But this is simply not true.  Back in February the IBD offered its readers the prediction that the stimulus bill would “in fact not stimulate much of anything.”  […]

General Musings

Just a quick note. Two quotes to think about: “If you think education is difficult, try being stupid”   A friend offered this: The government’s view on our economic state: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.” Ronald Reagan Find ways to hang on to your […]


While I can’t complain in general, today something irked me enough to bump itself to the top of my list.  I paid $185 for a massage treatment today, and when paying, the cashier informed me that an 18% gratuity is the norm.  Huh? As an ex-waitress, I appreciate tipping.  And while my massage was very […]


Coming off from a week of Leadership reflections, (otherwise known as closing residential), I find myself reading Resonant Leadership.  I decided to jump into this book out of a basic fear that I would otherwise put it on the shelf and never look at it again.  After the first 15 pages, I think that anyone who […]