Entries by jane3333

We Have our 1st National Sales Tax

A shout out to my friends Robert Bloomquist and Tommy Stevens for bringing this to my attention: Under the new health care bill – did you  know that all real estate transactions are subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax? You can thank Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid & Barack Obama and your local Democratic Congressman for […]

P90X & Girly Fashion

Wow.  Am I tired.  But, tired as I am, I can’t fall asleep.  Took Ambien, now waiting.   Rambling on… So I thought I’d journal about P90X, my latest endeavor to stave off the rising hips of middle age. I am just completing my first week of it.  Well, really, it’s technically the second week, but […]

Taking A Breather

Every now and then, we just need a rest from life. A day off. I took one today, by accident, but now I realize how good it was for me.  I stayed home to await a delivery that required a signature.  I worked from home, but did some other things too.  It was the “other […]


Since I could not say this any better myself, I will just re-publish this here.  Mort Zuckerman’s “The Crippling Price of Public Employee Unions”, posted May 14, 2010 in US News & World Report. Go to article The American public feels it is drowning in red ink. It is dismayed and even outraged at the […]

Richard Russel’s perfect business

http://ww1.dowtheoryletters.com/dtlol.nsf The contents from the above link is pasted below. It’s a piece by Richard Russell, and is good advice. I wish I wrote it, but I did not.   I did pass it along to my son  ******************************************************************************************* So much for my father’s wisdom (which was obviously tainted by the Great Depression). But Dad […]

Back in the saddle

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”  Marion Mitchell Morrison, 1907- 1979 ) (aka John Wayne) Well, I am not and was not scared to death, but that quote is a nice tie-in to the fact that I am getting back into the swing of life after dad’s death. And I have […]

There is much to say

The funeral has come and gone. He passed February 8th.  In the hospital, in room 8.  I begin to realize after the fact that there are a lot of  8s – his birthday adds up to 8, he was born in the 8th month – did you know “8” in numerology symbolizes the businessman.?  It […]

Politics, as usual

Margaret Kimberley interview by Russian Time’s Marina Portnaya The above link is a terrific commentary on Obama administration’s lack of change in foreign policy in the first year of Office.  Except for a change in language…. Does the US public want to be misinformed?  Another good interview with Russia Times.  A commentary on our “news” people […]

Day 2

Saturday morning, around 4 am, I awake, and hear him downstairs coughing.  I go down, and crawl into the bed next to him while the care-giver helps make him comfortable.  I do not know it at the time, but I now believe the transition from the hospital to our house exhausted him. Think about it. […]